I Walked (A Haiku Journey) A single step starts A journey to inner thoughts Where memories remain Such stillness in brick Buildings eagerly watching The man move, at peace Ducks in morning mist Waiting first rays of sun's warmth Quiet day begins Upon distant hill Birdsong greets the peaceful sun Floats on final mists But now roar and hum The daily rush just begun And silence swallowed A fork in the road Return to just sound of feet Soft heartbeat and breath River and rest reached Water glints in reflection To stop is easy Tired onward walks To tread past village and farm Miles pass slower still Until final view Distant seen but welcomed now With quickening steps Destination reached No trumpet fanfare to sound Just in happy heart _____________________________ A Haiku Walk Last month I walked solo 30 miles in one day, from Cheltenham to Worcester, raising money for Acorns Children's Hospice It was a beautiful sunny day, through peaceful villages, but also along roads thronging with commuter traffic.