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  • Writer's pictureTony Frobisher

Get Brexit Done...The Fun Has Just Begun

Get Brexit Done (The Fun Has Just Begun) Get Brexit done Strong and stable Brexit means Brexit Where's the negotiating table? Do or die Dead in a ditch Prorogation for the nation Ah, a backstop glitch Deal or no deal Let's get Brexit done We'll end freedom of movement The fun has just begun _________________________________ The new Tory mantra. "Get Brexit done." Like a verbal punch to every interview. Hoping to beat us to submission. "Just get it done, just leave, it's gone on too long, we're fed up of it. Leave. No deal." The talking heads of the great British populace say in radio/tv soundbites. But, the ignorant are self serving, as long as things don't affect them, I'm alright jack. The biggest concern is not here in England. It is Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland. The border. The checks / customs etc that may be introduced following a no deal. The fear of a return to pre Good Friday Agreement troubles is real. But that doesn't worry Tommy Gammon in Bolton, or Henry Longbottom in Reigate. No, get Brexit done. It's all that matters. And fuck everyone else. Disclaimer...I remain a remainer. The poem was written with a full on blast of sarcasm and tongue in cheek.

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